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My series "Plastic Family" presents the flu both tragically and humorously 
Plastic and the serious damage not only to nature and plants, but also to the human body.

"The tiny pieces of plastic are in food and water, even in the placenta, yet we still don't know exactly how they affect us? Plastic is a material made of polymers, i.e. long chains made up of many smaller units. Plastic is an artificial material, so it did not exist on Earth until about a century ago.

But today, pieces of plastic are already everywhere. Pieces of plastic have been found in space, in the depths of the sea and in the soil. Since plastic is not a material that exists in nature, there are almost no creatures capable of breaking it down. Instead, over time the pieces of plastic break down into smaller and smaller pieces. The small pieces are called microplastics, as they cannot be seen with the naked eye. Due to their small size, the microplastic particles also manage to get into the bodies of animals, into human cells and were even found in the placenta." 
From an article by the Davidson Institute for Science Education "What do we know about microplastics"


Plastic Family

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